" I was thrilled to receive Kelly’s crystal reading just before an important turning point in my life. When Kelly connected with my energy and guides, she received two visions. The first one was a very specific picture of an event that did indeed occur within a week of Kelly’s reading. The second vision was symbolic but obvious in interpretation. It allowed me to come to full acceptance of a difficult truth in my life. Kelly also drew a crystal portal spread for me. Her interpretations, intuitive messages, and crystal recommendations were appropriate and very helpful. Most of the recommended crystals were already among my personal favourites. One of the crystals had just been bought by me, two days previously, and I was already wearing it as recommended for assistance! Two more came into my possession within the following week. I loved the list of affirmations that Kelly recommended at the end of the reading. They were short, thoughtful, and power packed! It has been a few weeks since I received my reading. I have incorporated Kelly’s suggestions into my daily life and I am witnessing amazing changes everyday! "
- Sharon G. Astwood, MSc, RMT
"Dear Kelly:
I really enjoyed my experience with Intuitive Crystal Reading. As I was going through the different cards, I truly felt the guidance provided was important for my personal growth. As I’ve been experiencing many changes in my life recently, this reading allowed me to reflect on the decisions I’m making and provided me with much needed clarity, especially regarding my spiritual path. I thought the chakra reading was particularly illuminating, as it showed me which aspects of myself, I must work on to further improve the energetic balance in my life. I’m deeply grateful the opportunity to experience the Intuitive Crystal Reading because I now know which crystals I should use to positively impact both my life as well as that of others. Thank you very much, Kelly, for such a wonderful experience. I consider this reading as a valuable gift, filled with love, transformative energy and meaningful insights."
"Realmente disfruté mucho the Intuitive Crystal Reading. Me sentí muy bien mientras iba leyendo y considero muy acertada la guía que me dan las cartas y los cristales elegidos para mi. En este momento de mi vida, en el que estoy viviendo un importante cambio de lugar de vivir, de trabajo y de opciones que se me presentan, esta lectura me hizo reflexionar sobre las decisiones que estoy tomando, dándome claridad sobre algunos aspectos que debo trabajar sobre todo en mi camino espiritual. La lectura de los chacras me pareció tremendamente iluminadora para saber qué aspectos debo reforzar y trabajar para alcanzar un mayor equilibrio de energías. Agradezco de todo corazón esta maravillosa Intuitive Crystal Reading porque me ayuda a saber con qué cristales debo trabajar en estos momentos para alcanzar mis potenciales, afectar de manera positiva tanto mi vida como la vida de los demás. Muchísimas gracias Kelly, por una valiosa experiencia, esta lectura la considero un regalo profundo, colmado de amor y muy revelador. Gracias Kelly de todo corazón por esta guía tan transformadora."
- Carolina A. Navarrete, PhD.
"After I provided one brief question, Kelly was able to connect with my energy and my guides. Her lengthy reading assured me that I’m on my true life path/purpose. Her gentle guidance on how I should proceed has given me a clear understanding of how I need to “keep planting the seeds” so I can continue to move forward to a successful, happy future."
- Cynthia
"I had a wonderful experience with the Intuitive Crystal Reading by Kelly. While we both live in different cities, I simply sent in the question I had in mind and Kelly's was able to provide me with answers. What Kelly's Intuitive Crystal Reading gave me was a sense of reassurance and direction as to what I needed to do next in my life. Kelly was able to connect with her guides and gave clarity and guidance to my situation. She also provided a very detailed written format of the messages she had received during the reading. It was a very unique experience as well in that she used her own crystal cards to give further advice on crystal recommendations that would assist me now and beyond. Kelly's intuitive guidance is a gift which has given me the awareness and confidence to walk along this journey. The personalized affirmations were a thoughtful and special touch to help remind me to do the personal work I need to find more peace and joy in my daily life. I am extremely honoured and grateful for the experience."
- Ka Po