How To Cleanse Your Crystals And Stones
Crystals require cleansing in order to reflect clearly. The purpose of cleansing your crystals and stones is to have it return to its original state. Intentionally cleansing your crystals resets its’ energy, back to the vibrational frequency it had at the time it formed in the Earth.
There are many methods of cleansing your crystals, and there is no right way or wrong way to cleanse, the most important thing is your focused intention. The more you become familiar with your crystals the more you will intuitively know which way(s) work best for you.
Fill a bowl with water and set your stones gently in the bowl. Glass bowls are recommended. Leave for 24 hours or as long as you feel is needed. You can leave the bowl by a window or even outside. Moonlight assists in cleansing and Sunlight charges and activates. When finished cleansing discard water and wash the bowl.
Another way of cleansing is to take the crystals to a natural creek, river, lake, ocean, any natural body of water that you have access to. Let the stones sit in the water and leave them for as long as you feel necessary.
Fill a bowl (preferably glass) with natural sea salt or Himalayan pink salt. Softer stones may scratch in salt and so for these rice is recommended. Lay or bury the crystals in the salt or rice. Leave for 24 hours or as long as you feel is needed. After cleansing, discard the salt and rice. Do not reuse or consume, as it has absorbed energies from the stones.
With a bell, singing bowl, tuning fork, or any musical instrument (including your voice) create sound and allow the sound vibrations to surround and penetrate the crystals. Sound Cleansing can be done on its own or in conjunction with other cleansing methods.
Burning Incense and waving the smoke over the stones is another effective cleansing method. You can use any incense of your choice. Some nice ones are Sage, Palo Santo, Sweetgrass, Frankincense, Myrrh, Copal, etc.
- When you first acquire a new crystal, stone, piece of jewelry, etc
- Before and/or after every time you use/wear
- New Moon - Leave crystal/stone by window or outside during New Moon and for a few days afterwards if desired. New Moon energy is cleansing and helps focus energy to manifest. It is a good time to set intention and goals for the waxing Moon cycle ahead.
- Full Moon - Leave crystal/stone by window or outside during Full Moon and for a few days afterwards if desired. Full Moon energy is cleansing and energizing, releasing stagnant energies.
- Cleanse any time your intuition guides you
When you first acquire a new crystal or stone cleanse them first and then dedicate them. Dedicating your stones only has to be done once.
Say aloud, "I dedicate this stone to be used for the highest good of all."
Crystals and stones can be programmed with an intention to help you with a specific healing purpose.
Cleanse your crystal or stone and then hold it while repeating a focused intention. Be very clear, precise and focused. It helps to write down the program and keep it with the stone. It is recommended to repeat the program every day, while tuning in to the stone or meditating with it. Visualization helps strengthen your focused intention and greatly enhances the self-healing and manifestation process.