Crystal Energy Grid For Stress Relief and Relaxation

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Crystal Energy Grid For Stress Relief and Relaxation

Intentions for Grid:

~ Promotes deep relaxation to de-stress the mind and the body

~ Spiritual awareness, enhance meditation and energy work

~ Open to higher consciousness and connect with higher self

~ Activate flow of spiritual healing energy to enter through Crown Chakra (energy centre at the top of head) and cascade down through body system

Affirmation(s):  I am relaxed and at peace in this present moment. 


This one of a kind crystal energy grid includes:

Amethyst stalactite from Uruguay

Amethyst crystals from Vera Cruz, Mexico x3

Clear Quartz tetrahedron from Brazil

Amethyst dodecahedron from Brazil

Amethyst octahedron from Brazil

Lemurian Quartz crystal from Brazil

Lemurian Quartz crystals from Colombia x4

6" wood circle for base of grid

Cotton drawstring pouch

Printout of how to work with the crystal grid and the crystal properties


Creating & Activating The Crystal Grid:

✧ These crystals have been cleansed and dedicated for your highest good

✧ Choose a sacred space for your grid where you can meditate, set your intentions, and ask for guidance

✧ Create a clear, focused intention and write it down or use the affirmation/intention stated above

✧ Lay out the crystals on the wood base while holding your intention

✧ As you arrange the crystals in the grid formation you are activating them

✧ Seal the grid by stating your intention or the suggested affirmation/intention

✧ The Crystal grid is now dedicated and activated and will hold its programmed intention until you clear it or dismantle the grid

✧ You can sit with the grid in meditation whenever you feel called to

✧ As your energy resonates with the grid, your vibration raises and so does your awareness of higher energy, enhancing your intuition and receiving messages


Crystal Properties:


  • Protection
  • Promotes relaxation
  • Relieves stress and tension
  • Clears negativity
  • Spiritual Awareness

Chakra: Crown 7th

Amethyst is the birthstone for February.


Clear Quartz

  • Healing on all levels
  • Can be programmed with  intention for healing, manifesting, exploring consciousness
  • Cleansing, positive energy
  • Activates higher consciousness and cosmic awareness
  • Assists in raising one's vibration

Chakras: Crown 7th, clears all Chakras


Lemurian Quartz

High vibration Quartz crystals

  • Identified by the naturally occurring horizontal striations, ladder-like lines on the sides of the crystal
  • These lines represent records of information encoded during the time of ancient Lemuria, lost civilization
  • Cleansing and clearing negative energy & thought patterns
  • Accessing ancient knowledge, catalyzing energetic upgrades and expansion of consciousness
  • Remembering past in Lemuria, Atlantis and Starseed origins
  • Healing and understanding the past
  • Tool for spiritual, self-healing, meditation, energy work, Magick & ritual practices
  • Focuses intention and brings clarity to inner visions
  • Crystal energy tool for accessing higher consciousness and the Astral realms

    Chakras: All